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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Calendar Event Of MotoGP 2014

results calendar event motogp 2014

Results Calendar Event Of MotoGP 2014

Date Grand Prix Circuit
23 March Qatar* Doha/Losail
13 April Americas Austin
27 April Argentina Termas de Rio Hondo
04 May Spain Jerez de la Frontera
18 May France Le Mans
1 June Italy Mugello
15 June Catalunya Barcelona- Catalunya
28 June Netherlands** TT Assen
13 July Germany Sachsenring
10 August Indianapolis GP Indianapolis
17 August Czech Republic Brno
31 August Great Britain Silverstone
14 September San Marino & Riviera di Rimini Marco Simoncelli Misano
21 September Aragon MotorLand
28 September Brazil (STH) Brasilia
12 October Japan Motegi
19 October Australia Phillip Island
26 October Malaysia Sepang
09 November Valencia Ricardo Tormo-Valencia

Source: MotoGP

Monday, December 09, 2013

Results of the Election Group Football World Cup Brazil 2014

<img src="world_cup_fifa_2014.jpg"alt=" Result Election Group Football World Cup Brazil 2014 Tengmolive"/>
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro - Here is the results of the Election group lottery football World Cup Brazil 2014 was held last night in the city of Rio de Janeiro Brazil local time .At the end of the acquisition lottery results are quite surprising , the hosts Brazil are in a group that could be quite easy for them , just might be the team teams from Croatia country that can provide more resistance than other opponents .In Group B Spain will be opposite the present game is quite interesting , because Spain will be in a group with Holland and the Chilean fighter dark horse .For Group C there are Colombian team will face an opponent that is pretty heavy according to their estimates because it is in a group with Ivory Coast and Japan .England national team will join the team Gli Azurri and Uruguay in Group D later .Team pride  Bosnia - Herzegovina will face a tough opponent , Argentina in Group F , while his favorite German champions will face Portugal , Ghana and the United States in the match next year .

Here is the  results of the election lottery Brazil 2014 World Cup in Brazil next year .Group A : Brazil , Croatia , Mexico , Cameroon .Group B : Spain , Netherlands , Chile , Australia .Group C : Colombia , Greece , Ivory Coast , Japan .Group D : Uruguay , Costa Rica , England , Italy .Group E : Switzerland , Ecuador , France , Honduras .Group F : Argentina , Bosnia - Herzegovina , Iran , Nigeria .Group G : Germany , Portugal , Ghana , United States .Group H : Belgium , Algeria , Russia , South Korea .

Fifa World Cup 2014 Rio De Jainero Brazil 2014, Be Sure You Win Your Favourite Team.

Power by Tengmolive for World Cup 2014
Source by GooGle 

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Game Information : Prediction Sampdoria vs Catania on Sunday 8 December 2013

<img src="sampdoria_vs_catania.png"alt="prediction sampdoria vs catania sunday 8 december 2013 league italy tengmolive"/>

Game Information : Prediction Sampdoria vs Catania on Sunday 8 December 2013.Genova , threw a beautiful header to amaze the audience 's attention . In the last five games Sampdoria scored a pretty encouraging .Sampdoria game later championed by his fans .recording notes recorded by a squad game these teams :

May 9, 2013 : Sampdoria 1-1 Catania ( Serie A )December 16, 2012 : Catania 3-1 Sampdoria ( SerieMarch 13, 2011 : Catania 1-0 Sampdoria ( SerieDecember 6, 2013 : Verona Sampdoria 4-1 ( Coppa Italia )December 1, 2013 : Inter Milan 1-1 Sampdoria ( SerieNovember 24, 2013 : Sampdoria 1-1 Lazio ( Serie A )November 11, 2013 : Fiorentina 2-1 Sampdoria ( SerieNovember 3, 2013 : 3-4 Sampdoria Sassuolo ( Serie A )December 1, 2013 : Catania 1-3 Milan ( Serie A )November 24, 2013 : Torino Catania 4-1 ( Serie A )November 10, 2013 : Catania 1-0 Udinese ( Serie A )November 3, 2013 : Catania 2-1 Napoli ( Serie A )October 31, 2013 : Juventus 4-0 Catania ( Serie A )

Result Prediction : Home Win

Source: GooGle
Power by Tengmolive 

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Fix Odds Betting Lesson

The Fix Odds Betting Step: Choose an outcome of an event you wish to bet on. Decide how much money you wish to stake and whether you want to bet win-only or each-way. example, you decide to bet £5 on Papillon winning the Grand National. "MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOURITE"
<img src" may_the_odds_be_ever_in_your_favour_by_co__existance-d4ndxb0.png "alt=" fix odds betting "/>
Find an on-line betting partner quoting odds on your chosen event. For example, you would first click on "horse racing" then "Grand National" on the betting partner's website.
The betting partner displays say 9-1 against Papillon winning the race. This means if Papillon wins, your return on £5 will be £45, plus your stake, making a grand total of £50.
Place the bet. Clicking on the Best Price for your selection will open up a betting slip or direct to the appropriate betting partner. Enter your stake. Before logging the bet, it is advisable to find out how much betting tax a betting partner is charging. The betting partner transfers your winnings plus returned stake into your account.

source: Google

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Type of Bet Exchange

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Type of Bet Exchange include:

Back or Lay

In the first time when you using a betting exchange, you can "BACK" or "LAY" make a selection.
If you BACK a selection (be it an individual, a team, horse, dog or other), you are betting that it will win. This is just like betting with conventional bookies website. don't worry about win or lose first.
When you "LAY" it, you are betting against it winning. For example, if you're betting in a market on which team is going to win the Premiership and you lay Man Utd, you offer odds to other punters who wish to back Man United. If Man United don't win, then you pick up the backer's stake. If Man United win, then you pay out. This is what bookmakers traditionally do.
You never know who you are betting against, your privacy and the confidentiality of your bets is maintained by the exchanges secure site.

Choose odds Market

You must to be understand and choose odds to play in every market you decide.There is always a choice of what odds to accept. If you want better odds than are currently available, you can place an order for a better price, but be realistic because there has to be somebody prepared to lay the bet at those odds, and vice versa.
Take a look at the odds before a game and you will see them change as visitors back and lay their bets. The odds often improve nearer to the off, as there are more people in the market.

Earn Commission

Commission is a benefit you get from bookies website when you have making a win lose calculate, they will pay you some from your bet place.
You do not pay tax but commission is paid on your net winnings on each market. This is particularly beneficial if you have multiple bets on a single market such as the Premiership Winner market. Some of your bets may win, some may lose, however you only pay commission on your NET winnings. If your bets in a particular market amount to a net loss, you do not pay commission.
Your Commission rate is set according to how much you use an exchange.
source: Google

The Class of Simplest Betting Strategies

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The Class of Simplest Betting Strategies
 martingale betting is any of a class of betting strategies that originated from and were popular in 18th century France. The simplest of these strategies was designed for a game in which the gambler wins his stake if a coin comes up heads and loses it if the coin comes up tails. The strategy had the gambler double his bet after every loss, so that the first win would recover all previous losses plus win a profit equal to the original stake. The martingale strategy has been applied to roulette as well, as the probability of hitting either red or black is close to 50%.
Since a gambler with infinite wealth will, almost surely, eventually flip heads, the martingale betting strategy was seen as a sure thing by those who advocated it. Of course, none of the gamblers in fact possessed infinite wealth, and the exponential growth of the bets would eventually bankrupt "unlucky" gamblers who chose to use the martingale. It is therefore a good example of a Table distribution – the gambler usually wins a small net reward, thus appearing to have a sound strategy. However, the gambler's expected value does indeed remain zero (or less than zero) because the small probability that he will suffer a catastrophic loss exactly balances with his expected gain. (In a casino, the expected value is negative, due to the house's edge.) The likelihood of catastrophic loss may not even be very small. The bet size rises exponentially. This, combined with the fact that strings of consecutive losses actually occur more often than common intuition suggests, can bankrupt a gambler quickly.
Assuming that the win/loss outcomes of each bet are independent and identically distributed random variables, the stopping time has finite expected value. This justifies the following argument, explaining why the betting system fails: Since expectation is linear, the expected value of a series of bets is just the sum of the expected value of each bet. Since in such games of chance the bets are independent, the expectation of each bet does not depend on whether you previously won or lost. In most casino games, the expected value of any individual bet is negative, so the sum of lots of negative numbers is also always going to be negative.
The martingale strategy fails even with unbounded stopping time, as long as there is a limit on earnings or on the bets (which are also true in practice). It is only with unbounded wealth, bets and time that the martingale becomes a winning strategy.
This is also known as the reverse martingale. In a classic martingale betting style, gamblers increase bets after each loss in hopes that an eventual win will recover all previous losses. The anti-martingale approach instead increases bets after wins, while reducing them after a loss. The perception is that the gambler will benefit from a winning streak or a "hot hand", while reducing losses while "cold" or otherwise having a losing streak. As the single bets are independent from each other (and from the gambler's expectations), the concept of winning "streaks" is merely an example of gambler's fallacy, and the anti-martingale strategy fails to make any money. If on the other hand, real-life stock returns are serially correlated (for instance due to economic cycles and delayed reaction to news of larger market participants), "streaks" of wins or losses do happen more often and are longer than those under a purely random process, the anti-martingale strategy would "theoretically" apply and can be used in trading systems (as trend-following or "doubling up").
source: Wiki

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Understanding Sport Odds

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 Every sport is different when it comes to betting the spread. For some sports (like football) its very traditional to bet a certain team plus or minus a certain amount of points. However, with other sports (like Hockey or Soccer), it's more traditional to bet a money line (straight up who will win the game). But remember: just because it's customary doesn't mean it's the right strategy. Look for other articles written by my colleagues and myself for more specific strategies for each specific sport. understanding sport odds may helping you to learn much of kind step betting.
There are some books that specialize on more nuanced sports, but for 99 percent of you, you are going to find the game you are looking for. The key aspect here is: strike a balance. Don't feel like you have to expand your knowledge into every game of every sport, but at the same time, sometimes the best lines can be found on teams that are not your hometown favorite. In short, the more you know, the more you can take advantage of the line makers having to puts lines up for all the games-yet you don't have to wager on anything you don't like.

source: Google 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Prefer Asian Handicap for bet

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Most professional punters will prefer Asian Handicap for bet when it comes to betting on football. That is great thing about Asian Handicaps is that the possibility of a draw is ruled out. By eliminating the draw outcome, Asian Handicap betting reduces the possible outcomes from three (traditional 1X2 wagering) to two. Usually the handicap is calculated to give each team a 50:50 chance of winning. Since the Asian Handicap also helps bookmakers to minimize risk, it is possible for them to make bigger bets. Not to mention that the odds are usually better than they are on the traditional 1X2 market.
Betting on the Asian Handicap market is the way to go.Staking higher amounts may seem like a good idea, and, when you're on a winning streak, this form of staking appears justifiable. But any serious bettor's key concern must be that of staying in the game: to be able to conduct any kind of business, you need to have a tool, and in betting, your betting bank is that tool - if you lose your betting bank, you can no longer place bets.
With aggressive staking, one single losing run is enough to wipe out a bank that has been built up over numerous winning runs. Staying safe should therefore always be the main concern.

source: Google

Monday, September 23, 2013

Diligent in exercising it certainly makes our body more healthy

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Diligent in exercising it certainly makes our body more healthy and reduce the risk of various diseases . So that the chance of survival was longer .Although age is also in the hands of the Lord , but it would be nice if we try to maintain the best health possible by doing sports as reported by the Huffington Post as the following : 
Up and down Stairs 
In 2008, a small study in Switzerland found that the up and down steps reduce the risk of early death by 15 percent rather than up and down the escalator .up and down stairs by foot have a tremendous impact to the health of the body . So why still complain tired when going up and down stairs very helpful? Researchers say that.
Bicycle Cycling
Cycling to work is the most inexpensive and environmentally friendly can be done every day . In addition , cycling is also apparently included in one of the sports that can prolong life .A study from Copenhagen to quickly mention that cycling also have a chance to live five years longer . So do not be lazy to ride my bike every day . 
Like to swim ? If so , there is good news for those who exercise diligently on this one . Because studies suggest that swimming regularly can reduce the risk of death by 50 per cent chance .Not only that , when compared with those who chose to run and walk as their sport , swimmers also have a number of young die relatively low . 
Brisk walking 
Research in 2011 explained that people who walked briskly had a longer life .But according to the results of the study , brisk walking is more an indication of a person's age rather than prolong life . Because the faster walk , the healthier a person .However , if this practice is done on a regular basis , the body would have been more accustomed to running faster and feels more fit .on foot Many people think healthy exercise should be performed more than 30 hours and after sweating through it . Though sporting a short time and do not sweat is equally healthy .study in 2011 revealed that walking 15 minutes a day is also able to extend the life of up to three years
 In addition to walking and cycling , running also includes sports believed to prolong life .running should be done regularly , even if the duration is not too long . A study also proves that ran a half hour five times a week can increase the chance of survival up to four years .

source : GooGle

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Andy Murray Managed To Advance Fourth Round U.S Open

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Tengmo live Indexter world tennis champion
Pride male tennis player United Kingdom, Andy Murray, managed to advance to the fourth round of the U.S. Open tennis tournament held at the field Flashing Meadows, New York, United States. The Scot managed to beat his opponent, Florian Mayer, with three straight sets 7-6, 6-2, 6-2.

As reported by Dailymail page, in the third round tie that took place yesterday, two players compete against each other in the tight first set. Fortunately, Murray managed to close the set with a 7-6 victory.

In the second set lasted, Murray directly led 2-0 after successfully broke. Throughout this round, Murray continued to dominate the achievement number, until he finally managed to win the set 6-2.

In the last round, or third set, Mayer will rise and give such fierce resistance at the start of the game at that time.

However, holders of five Grand Slam titles this managed to break the game in the fourth and a turning point for Murray to win in the deciding set with a final score of 6-2.

Through this victory, Murray advance to the round of the last sixteen and awaits the winner of the match between Andreas Seppi is seeded 20th or Denis Istomin.

Until this news was revealed, Istomin was a 2-1 victory over Andreas Seppi.

source: google

Makarova in the fourth round match

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Championship Third-seeded U.S. Open grand slam tournament, Agnieszka Radwanska, it is surprising to lose at the hands of Russian 24th seed, Ekaterina Makarova, in the fourth round match. Thus, 4 world ranked Polish player was also once again have failed to appear in the quarterfinals of the U.S. Open.

In this match, Radwanska had just appeared convincing and lead 4-0 in the first set, before later performed poorly and it must be surrendered to his opponent at 6-4. In the second set, Radwanska also had the lead at predictions 3-2 after trailing 0-2 position  in the beginning, but then had to back defeated Makarova 6-4.

In the quarter-finals, which is a left-hander Makarova, the top seed will challenge the other (5), namely Li Na from China. Li Na himself managed to advance to the quarterfinals after winning quite comfortably on the 9th seeded Serb, Jelena Jankovic, 6-3 and 6-0.

Earlier, top seed ranking which is also the world number one, Serena Williams, had confirmed also appear in the quarterfinals, after conquering compatriot Sloane Stephens talented tennis player (ranked 15th seed).

Serena candidate next opponent is 18th-seeded Spaniard Carla Suarez Navarro, who is quite surprising also subvert the 8th seeded German, Angelique Kerber, 4-6, 6-3 and 7-6 (7-3).

Tengmolive Indexter Live Sport Portal 

source :

Marquez get his punishment for fixed current Tech

<img src=" tengmolive.jpg "alt=" Marquez Punishment "/>
Tengmolive Indexter
MotoGP championship leader Marc Marquez penalized 2 points - which does not affect its value in the standings - for ignoring a yellow flag at the British Grand Prix warm-up session yesterday.

MotoGP adopts accumulated penalties for drivers who violate the rules. If the value of the penalty collected 4, the racers start at the rear linked punished, 7 points means start from the pitlane, and 10 points, disqualification or prohibition of race in the series.

Marquez get his punishment for fixed current Tech 3 Yamaha rider Cal Crutchlow fell on the track and the yellow flag marshal for others in order to reduce the speed.

Marquez still speeding and then he also fell in the same location. Regardless the bike slid out of control right into Crutchlow, but lucky the marshal very vigilant and act just in time to encourage him to run at the same time save yourself.

"Rider Marc Marquez (93) passed on the circuit where the yellow flag was raised due to an earlier accident. He kept going with the race pace, not slow down or prepare to stop as required by the regulations, "said the International Motor Racing Federation (FIM) in a written statement.

"The accident that later befall him at the same point of previous accidents so dangerous drivers who are being assisted and also marshal in the accident zone."

FIM says 2 points penalty was not countered by making its final appeal.
Marquez later claimed not see the yellow flag.

"I knew I had to slow down when the yellow flag. Especially with spilled oil, you have to be very slow, but I did not see it, "said the Repsol Honda rider was smiling.

source: MotoGP

Thursday, September 12, 2013

We Were Better Motors or Our Enemies

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 Victory at Silverstone race circuit for Jorge Lorenzo had a positive impact. Yamaha manager, Wilco Zeelenberg, Lorenzo said more motivated to defend her title at this time.

Lorenzo did manage to stop the dominance of Marc Marquez, the last race in MotoGP England, two weeks ago. This victory, making up 30 points from Repsol Honda riders leading.

Zeelenberg said Lorenzo increasingly motivated to win every race. "After the last race at Silverstone, we are increasingly motivated to face the next race," said Zeelenberg.

"I can not say we were better motors or our enemies will deteriorate at Misano. Because in the end the year we were able to win and motorcycles Pedrosa problem, "he said.

"Foremost is Lorenzo fit again and feel very healthy. So, I was expecting a tremendous challenge in Misano, "he said, as reported by Autosport on Thursday.


source: motoGP


<img src="tengmolive.jpg"alt="Differences Physical Education"/>Tengmolive Differences BETWEEN THE BOARD OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS
Some differences between the Sport and Physical Education among others: The objective of Physical Education adapted to the purpose of education related to personal development of all students, while the Sports goal is to refer to as the achievement of high performance motor behavior to win the game. physical education lessons tailored to the student's ability level, while the contents of the learning exercise or training content is the target to be met by each individual.
Teaching physical education and student-centered orientation. This means that when students are not able to achieve the learning objectives within given another chance, while the athletes were not able to reach the goal line with the target time is not considered talented and should be replaced with another athlete. Nature of physical education activities in scouting talent that is used to determine the beginning of one's ability, while in the exercise aims to select talented athletes.

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Tengmolive Indexter: ClassCompetition

tengmolive, live sport, news, live tv, live score, live match, analyst index portal - See more at:
tengmolive, live sport, news, live tv, live score, live match, analyst index portal - See more at:
Tengmolive Indexter: ClassCompetition: Online Betting Competition Match Position

Match Competition Position Board
- Ranking
- Result
- Match
- Position
- Fixture
- Formation
- Wide
- Form
- Overall Status
Tengmolive Indexter

Saturday, September 07, 2013

Prediction Brazil Australia World Cup 2014

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Tengmolive : Brazil beat Australia with a score of ( 2-0 ) in the last meeting of the two teams in the 2006 World Cup . At that time Brazil's two goals were created by Adriano and Fred .
Australia beat Brazil only once , a total of eight meetings of these two teams in all competitions . The only victory is achieved Australia ranked 3rd in the struggle for the Confederations Cup in 2001 , which Australia won 1-0 over Brazil .
Historical records of the two teams at the last meeting in the 2006 World Cup :
Brazil : Dida , Cafu , Juan , Lucio , R. Carlos , Emerson ( Robinho 72 ' ) , Ze Roberto , Ronaldinho , Kaka , Adriano ( Fred 88 ' ) , Ronaldo ( G. Silva 72 ' ) .
Australia : Schwarzer , Moore ( Aloisi 69 ' ) , Neill , Popovic ( Bresciano 41 ' ) , Chipperfield , Cahill ( Kewell 56 ' ) , Culina , Emerton , Grella , Viduka , Sterjovski .
Champion won the 2013 Confederations Cup in Brazil got a second defeat in 2013 , when a 0-1 defeat of Switzerland last month of August 2013 .
 Australia is passing through to the 2014 World Cup finals in Brazil , after finishing in 2nd Qualifying Group B World Cup Asian zone under Japan . Australia only swallow one defeat in Group B , where the only defeat suffered by the Jordan .
Australia has never won at all in the year 2013 this . Australia's last four away games ended with two defeats and two draws .
Brazil certainly will be without Dani Alves and Hulk in this match as both suffered injuries . While Australia will be without Tim Cahill, who suffered an ankle injury .
Brazil currently sits at number 9 FIFA rankings , while Australia sits at 46th .

Head 2 Head :
June 18, 2006 : Brazil 2-0 Australia ( Confederations Cup )

history of Brazil's last five games :
15 Aug 2013 : Switzerland vs Brazil ( 1-0 ) ( friendship )
July 1, 2013 : Brazil vs Spain ( 3-0 ) ( Confederations Cup )
June 27, 2013 : Brazil vs Uruguay ( 2-1 ) ( Confederations Cup )
June 23, 2013 : Italy vs Brazil ( 2-4 ) ( Confederations Cup )
June 20, 2013 : Brazil vs Mexico ( 2-0 ) ( Confederations Cup )

Australia's history of the last five games :
July 28, 2013 : Australia vs China ( 3-4 ) ( East Asian Cup )
July 25, 2013 : Japan vs Australia ( 3-2 ) ( East Asian Cup )
July 20, 2013 : South Korea vs. Australia ( 0-0 ) ( East Asian Cup )
June 18, 2013 : Australia vs Iraq ( 1-0 ) ( Qualifying PD 2014 )
June 11, 2013 : Australia vs Jordan ( 4-0 ) ( Qualifying PD 2014 )

Brazil squad
Goalkeepers: Julio Cesar ( Queens Park Rangers ) , Jefferson ( Botafogo ) .
Defender : Thiago Silva ( Paris Saint - Germain ) , David Luiz ( Chelsea ) , Dante ( Bayern Munich ) , Henrique ( Palmeiras ) , Maicon ( AS Roma ) , Marcelo ( Real Madrid ) , Maxwell ( Paris - Saint Germain ) .
Midfielders : Fernando ( Shakhtar Donetsk ) , Hernanes ( Lazio ) , Luiz Gustavo ( Bayern Munich ) , Paulinho ( Tottenham ) , Oscar ( Chelsea ) , Ramires ( Chelsea ) , Lucas ( Paris Saint Germain ) .
Striker : Bernard ( Atletico Mineiro ) , Fred ( Fluminense ) , Neymar ( Barcelona ) , Jo ( Atletico Mineiro ) .
Australia squad
Goalkeeper : Mitchell Langerak ( Borussia Dortmund ) , Matt Ryan ( Club Brugge ) , Mark Schwarzer ( Chelsea ) .
Defender : Robert Cornthwaite ( Chunnam Dragons ) , Ryan McGowan ( Shandong Luneng ) , Matt McKay ( Brisbane Roar ) , Lucas Neill ( Omiya Ardija ) , Sasa Ognenovski ( Umm Salal ) , Luke Wilkshire ( Dinamo Moscow ) , Rhys Williams ( Middlesbrough ) .
Midfielders : Mark Bresciano ( Al Gharafa ) , James Holland ( Austria Vienna ) , Brett Holman ( Al Nasr ) , Mile Jedinak ( Crystal Palace ) , Mark Milligan ( Melbourne Victory ) , Tommy Oar ( Utrecht ) , Tom Rogic ( Celtic ) .
Striker : Duke Mitchell ( Central Coast Mariners ) Josh Kennedy ( Nagoya Grampus ) , Robbie Kruse ( Bayer Leverkusen ) , Archie Thompson ( Melbourne Victory ) .

Prediction Tengmolive : Home Win
Source: Google

Prediction Georgia French World Cup 2014

<img src=" tengmolive.jpg "alt=" world cup prediction "/>
Tengmolive  : From the results of the last three meetings between the two teams , the French had won three in a row wins .
at the last meeting between the two teams , the French managed to record a victory with a score of ( 3-1 ) .
 Georgia last five games , they have never recorded a victory , they won only one series , and four defeats .
France last five games , they also recently won one victory , one draw and three defeats .
Georgia found at last defeat in the match after they defeated Kazakhstan by a score of ( 1-0 ) .
Belgian French themselves draw ( 0-0 ) in the final game of the French .
France is currently positioned second in Group I with 10 points from five matches , they recorded three wins , one draw and one defeat .
Georgia itself is positioned on the fourth with four points from five matches , they only recorded one win , one draw and three defeats from their last five games .
Giroud and Ribery is currently a French top scorer with two goals .

Head 2 Head :
March 23, 2013 : France vs. Georgia ( 3-1 ) ( 2014 World Cup Qualifier )
June 7, 2007 : France vs. Georgia ( 1-0 ) ( EURO 2008 Qualifying )

history of the last five matches Georgia :
14 Aug 2013 : Kazakhstan vs. Georgia ( 1-0 ) ( Friendly Match )
June 6, 2013 : Denmark vs. Georgia ( 2-1 ) ( Friendly Match )
June 2, 2013 : Ireland vs. Georgia ( 4-0 ) ( Friendly Match )
March 23, 2013 : France vs. Georgia ( 3-1 ) ( 2014 World Cup Qualifier )
November 14, 2012 : Georgia vs Egypt ( 0-0 ) ( Friendly Match )

French history last five matches :
15 Aug 2013 : Belgium vs France ( 0-0 ) ( Friendly Match )
June 10, 2013 : Brazil vs France ( 3-0 ) ( Friendly Match )
June 6, 2013 : Uruguay vs France ( 1-0 ) ( Friendly Match )
March 27, 2013 : France vs Spain ( 0-1 ) ( 2014 World Cup Qualifier )
March 23, 2013 : France vs. Georgia ( 3-1 ) ( 2014 World Cup Qualifier )

Predicted line-ups :
Georgia :
Gorman - Dmitrenko - Mukhtarov - Kirov
Konysbaev - Korobkin - Engel - Schmidtgal
absent :
Coach : M. Beranek

France :
Jallet - Varane - Koscielny - Evra
Valbuena - Cabaye - Pogba - Ribery Nasri -
absent :
Coach : D. Deschamps

Prediction Tengmolive : Away Win ( French )
Source: Google

Prediction Estonia Netherland worldcup 2014

<img src=" tengmolive.jpg "alt=" world cup prediction"/>Tengmolive : The results of the last three meetings between the two teams , the Dutch have always managed to grab three victories over Estonia .
at the last meeting between the two teams , the Dutch managed to win by a score of  (3-0) .
Estonia in the last five games , they recorded two wins , two draws , and one loss .
Netherlands itself has not lost in his last five games , they recorded four wins and one draw .
 the last time the Dutch , they drew with Portugal which ended with the score (1-1) .
While Estonia itself also played a draw with Latvia by a score of (1-1) .
Netherlands itself currently is positioned on top of Group D with 18 points from six matches , they recorded a six- game winning streak .
Was fifth , Estonia currently only recorded two victories and four defeats and recorded six points .
own van Persie scored five goals for the Netherlands so far .

Head 2 Head :
March 23, 2013 : Netherlands vs Estonia ( 3-0 ) ( 2014 World Cup Qualifier )
September 6, 2001 : Netherlands vs Estonia ( 5-0 ) ( 2002 World Cup Qualifier )

history of the last five matches Estonia :
14 Aug 2013 : Estonia vs Latvia ( 1-1 ) ( Friendly Match )
June 12, 2013 : Estonia vs Kyrgzystan ( 1-1 ) ( Friendly Match )
June 8, 2013 : Estonia vs Trinidad & Tobago ( 1-0 ) ( Friendly Match )
June 4, 2013 : Estonia vs Belarus ( 0-2 ) ( Friendly Match )
March 27, 2013 : Estonia vs Andorra ( 2-0 ) ( 2014 World Cup Qualifier )

history of the last five matches Netherlands :
15 Aug 2013 : Portugal vs Netherlands ( 1-1 ) ( Friendly Match )
June 11, 2013 : China vs Netherlands ( 0-2 ) ( Friendly Match )
June 7, 2013 : Indonesia vs Netherlands ( 0-3 ) ( Friendly Match )
March 27, 2013 : Netherlands vs Romania ( 4-0 ) ( 2014 World Cup Qualifier )
March 23, 2013 : Netherlands vs Estonia ( 3-0 ) ( 2014 World Cup Qualifier )

Predicted line-ups :
Estonia :
Jaager - Morozov - Piroja - Teniste
Purje - Mosnikov - Vassiljev - Kink
absent :
Coach : T. Meri

Netherlands :
Vlaar - Martins - de Vrij - Bruma
Robben - Sneijder - Strootman - Schaars - de Gzman
van Persie
absent :
Coach : L. van Gaal

Prediction Tengmolive : Away Win ( dutch )
Source : Google

Real Madrid Transfer Player Rate

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Tengmolive : a former president of Real Madrid, Ramon Calderon was worried the club's decision to buy Gareth Bale could be a boomerang with the potential damage to the Cristiano Ronaldo situation in the team squad.

Los Blancos was officially get the Wales winger from Tottenham after pouring significant funds even believed to exceed the world record transfer market currently held by Ronaldo of Manchester United's purchase worth 96 million euros in 2009.

Calderon, who has always said that if it was Ronaldo's record transfer 'performance results', worried that the situation could lead to a split among the stars with the current club president, Florentino Perez. Especially with yet reached agreement on a new contract Ronaldo at the Bernabeu so far.

"I do not think Ronaldo will be excited about it (the transfer Bale). Extension of the contract would be a problem in this case, the amount of money that is paid to Bale, "he told the media.

source : Google

Friday, September 06, 2013

Persipura Indonesia Super League Champions

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Tengmolive :As the Indonesia Super League champions 2012/13, Persipura finally symbolically receiving the champion trophy at the stadium Gelora Bangkalan, Madura, Thursday, September 5, 2013. Tropy submission is done before the game against the host Persepam Madura United played on the gridiron.

Although already clinched the Indonesian Super League (ISL), Persipura still look stunning against Persepam Madura United (MU) instead of Manchester United (MU). Persela after losing 0-1 in the previous match, the team's Black Pearls Indonesia Papua rampage and attack the goal directly host three goals without reply in a case of raging black bear.

Top score while Boaz Solossa performed brilliantly in the event this time. The 27-year-old player successfully contributed two goals.

The visitors quickly as the game successfully after just 8 minutes. Heading the ball hit goalkeeper Ricardo Salampessy Sapeh Often. He managed to take advantage of a corner kick Boaz Solossa.

Persipura direct hit at the beginning of the second half. kick Zah Rahan and Boaz Solossa can still be defeated MU goalkeeper with a vengeance, Alfonsius Kelvan.

Squad coach Jackse F Tiago managed to double the advantage on 50 minutes. Boaz Solossa hard kick hit Ricardo Salampessy line and into the net MU. This goal belongs Boaz calculated.

Boaz back breaking Chelsea's goal in the 67th minute. Ricky Kayame make dangerous movements of the hosts in the penalty box. Boaz then grabbed the ball and found the net Sapeh Often success. Boaz 26 goal of the season cemented his name as well as the top scorer of the ISL. Roma wins 3-0 to survive until the game was over.

These results further strengthen the position of Persipura at the top of the table top. They are now collecting 76 points from 32 matches. Meanwhile, Manchester United is still stuck in 11th with a score of 40 points from 33 matches.

source: Google

World Cup Qualifier On Friday 6 September 2013

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Tengmolive : Continued from the 2014 World Cup qualifiers match will be held simultaneously on Friday 6 September 2013 local time. Will present a number of interesting matches of the European zone will enliven the atmosphere this weekend. In the game this time two large Italian and Dutch teams likely to qualify for the World Cup finals if they can beat his opponents. Italy will be challenged Bulgaria while Dutch Estonian entertained.
While the other party is equally attractive to pass up such exciting, Georgia against France, Finland against Spain, and Northern Ireland against Portugal.

The following is a schedule of World Cup qualifiers Europe:

Friday, September 6:
Czech Republic vs Armenia

Saturday, September 7:
Macedonia vs Wales
Romania vs. Hungary
Italy vs Bulgaria
Georgia vs. France
Bosnia vs Slovakia
Estonia vs Netherlands
Finland vs Spain
Republic of Ireland vs Sweden
Serbia vs. Croatia
Northern Ireland vs Portugal

source : Google

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Champion League Prediction Czech Republic vs Armenia 6 September 2013

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Tengmolive : PPD UEFA  Champion League match will take place on September 6, 2013
This match will be very stressful bring Czech Republic vs Armenia , at the previous meeting of the Czech Republic won the match with Armenia Above is final score 0-3 playing at home to Armenia , it became an important capital for the Czech Republic , especially playing at home is obviously more in domination rather than appearing as guests , while Armenia successfully beat Denmark to score a landslide 0-4 makes Denmark must bear the shame of the defeat , the first goal scorer Movsisyan yura Armenia after the use of bait Aras Ozbiliz when entering the game during the first minute , beating Denmark , Armenia finished fourth Group B on goal difference over Denmark , Armenia defeated Denmark by a landslide will certainly make the players more confident Armenia against the Czech Republic , although not at home alone later .

If in view of the results of the last five games the Czech Republic is quite good , only won two games alone , two draws and one defeat , while Armenia is only able to win one match , three defeats and one draw it shows a lack of good team Performance lately for Armenian stronghold .

Head To Head :
March 26, 2013 Armenia vs Czech Republic ( 0-3 )

Last Five Matches Czech Republic :
August 15, 2013 Hungary vs Czech Republic ( 1-1 )
June 8, 2013 Czech Republic vs. Italy ( 0-0 )
March 26, 2013 Armenia vs Czech Republic ( 0-3 )
March 23, 2013 Czech Republic vs. Denmark ( 0-3 )
07 February 2013 Turkey vs Czech Republic ( 0-2 )

Last Five Matches Armenia :
August 15, 2013 Albania vs Armenia ( 2-0 )
June 12, 2013 Denmark vs Armenia ( 0-4 )
June 7, 2013 Armenia vs Malta ( 0-1 )
March 26, 2013 Armenia vs Czech Republic ( 0-3 )
06 February 2013 Armenia vs Luxembourg ( 1-1 )

Prediction composition of Players :
Czech Republic :
 Petr Cech , David Limbersky , Michal Kadlec , Theodor Gebre Selassie , Tomas Sivok , Jaroslav Plasil , Tomas Rosicky , Vladimir Darida , David lafata , Matej Vydra

Armenia :
Roman Berezovskiy , Robert Arzumanyan , Valeriy Aleksanyan , Varazdat Haroyan , Aras Ozbiliz , Artur Edigaryan , Gevorg Ghazaryan , Henrikh Mkhitaryan , Kamo Hovhannisyan , Karlen , Mkrtchyan , Yura Movsisyan

prediction : Tengmolive
score : 2-1
pick : Home Win

We Give Congratulations To Jorge

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Portal Index: Dani Pedrosa impressed with persistent struggle and never give up shown by Jorge Lorenzo in MotoGP Netherlands. The Repsol Honda rider did not hesitate to give praise to his rival.

Lorenzo joined the race at the Assen circuit, the conditions are not so healthy. The Yamaha rider had just suffered a broken collarbone and up to the operating table at the hospital yesterday.

Nevertheless race while enduring the pain, Lorenzo was able to finish fifth. He even had time to hit Pedrosa in the early laps.

"We give congratulations to Jorge, because what he did today and how he does it very impressive," said Pedrosa in Crash.

Pedrosa actually had become the leader of the race in Assen. But, he could not maintain it and had to settle for a fourth place finish.

"Today I started well, survived a crash early in the race with the tires cold, able to go, and make a great lap-lap," said Pedrosa.

"But, after that I had problems with my bike tires, both front and rear. I still try to keep it as long as possible because I did not want it so excuse for backwards. "

"I was behind Rossi for a couple of laps, but then more and more difficult to maintain, especially when Marc and Crutchlow passed me," said the Spanish rider.

source: motogp sportnews

Marc Marquez Bring Down the Rival

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Skip tense battle on the last lap when the race , Jorge Lorenzo won the British MotoGP victory , ending barrage of Marc Marquez .In the race at Silverstone Lorenzo had looked safe enough to be a winner , before having to bother to defend it in the final laps .Yamaha rider start start better than Marquez , who became the holder of pole position . Since then Lorenzo continues to be at the front , while Marquez kept trailing his rival but difficult approach .Note to Marquez , the Repsol Honda rider was announced he had the race at the last minute , as previously fell and injured his left shoulder in the warm - up lap , a few hours before the race .Marquez was a surprise in the last three laps when he managed to overtake Lorenzo , enters a bend . Lorenzo looked " hot " and successfully countered do not overtake some time later .Duel was heating up . Marquez continued to give great pressure on Lorenzo , until then successfully poked him in the last lap . In the crucial condition , Lorenzo managed to retake his position before a bend , and the time it managed to secure it to the finish line was unfurled .Marquez had to settle for runner - up position . While the third place was occupied Dani Pedrosa , who since the mid- race move closer to the two rivals , but could never touch .Lorenzo is a fourth win of the season , or the first since the series at the Circuit de Catalunya on June 16 . Collection points to 194 , unmoved in third position .Marquez , who won the previous four series in a row , still lead the standings thanks to a total of five wins from 12 series . Number of points is 233 , or 30-point lead over Pedrosa .British MotoGP Results 2013 were as follows:

1 . Jorge Lorenzo 40:52.5152 . Marc Marquez +00,0813 . Dani Pedrosa +01,5514 . Valentino Rossi +13,2335 . Alvaro Bautista +13,2986 . Stefan Bradl +20,2277 . Cal Crutchlow +26,2998 . Nicky Hayden +35,9939 . Bradley Smith +36,11910 . Aleix Espargaro +53,19611 . Andrea Iannone +59,05812 . Michele Pirro +01:00.71013 . Hector Barbera +01:01.69014 . Colin Edwards +01:01.84315 . Danilo Petrucci +01:08.83316 . Randy de Puniet +01:09.06317 . Claudio Corti +01:16.47418 . Hiroshi Aoyama +01:16.53519 . Michael Laverty +01:32.05720 . Yonny Hernandez +01:36.22421 . Bryan Staring +02:00.63522 . Andrea Dovizioso +30.223 . Lukas Pesek DNFMarquez is now a serious rival rider yamaha factory racing , and instead he is also trying to bring down the rival .

Monday, September 02, 2013

Prediction Spain La Liga Valencia vs Barcelona index

valencia barcelona spain liga tengmolive
Valencia Spanish league together as the host would entertain his guests Barcelona in the Estadio de Mestalla Stadium , Valencia on Monday ( 02/09/2013 )

Spanish league game this time will bring together two between Valencia against Barcelona squad , before both teams have often faced moment in the league two teams last spain. Match earlier in February and Valencia as the host could only draw with the results of the final score 1-1 with barcelona . during the last five meetings the two teams have not been able to Valencia victory over Barcelona.Valencia will be better off in the match due will be supported by thousands of their own supporters to give full support to valencia .

In the last five games of Valencia is quite tough , this has been proved in those five games they played that already had won three victories and two defeats suffered . Whereas in the last five games played with Barcelona look good because in the five games they played had already won four victories , one draw and almost never experienced from lose, .However in the match will be held , as the host Valencia , Barcelona would still be favored by the lover and will certainly be a winner in the football match .

Head 2 Head :
04/02/2013 Valencia 1-1 Barcelona ( La Liga )
03/09/2012 Barcelona 1-0 Valencia ( La Liga )
20/02/2012 Barcelona 5-1 Valencia ( La Liga )
09/02/2012 Barcelona 2-0 Valencia ( CDR )
02/02/2012 Valencia 1-1 Barcelona ( CDR )

Last Five Matches Valencia :
25/08/2013 Spain 3-1 Valencia ( La Liga )
18/08/2013 Valencia 1-0 Malaga ( La Liga )
08/07/2013 Everton 0-1 Valencia ( ICC )
08/05/2013 Valencia 4-0 FC Internazionale ( ICC )
08/05/2013 Valencia 1-2 AC Milan ( ICC )

Last Five Matches Barcelona :
08/26/2013 Malaga 0-1 Barcelona ( La Liga )
22/08/2013 Atletico Madrid 1-1 Barcelona ( PSS )
19/08/2013 Barcelona 7-0 Levante UD ( La Liga )
10/08/2013 Malaysia XI 1-3 Barcelona (FR )
08/07/2013 Thailand 1-7 Barcelona (FR )

Predicted composition of Players :
Valencia :
 Diego Alves , Victor Ruiz , Ricardo Costa , Joao Pereira , Mathieu , Banega , Feghouli , Guardado , Oriol Romeu , Jonas , Postiga

Victor Valdes , Daniel Alves , Pique , Jordi Alba , Puyol , Cesc Fabregas , Xavi , Busquets , Iniesta , Lionel Messi , Neymar

Picker : Away Win