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Monday, December 09, 2013

Results of the Election Group Football World Cup Brazil 2014

<img src="world_cup_fifa_2014.jpg"alt=" Result Election Group Football World Cup Brazil 2014 Tengmolive"/>
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro - Here is the results of the Election group lottery football World Cup Brazil 2014 was held last night in the city of Rio de Janeiro Brazil local time .At the end of the acquisition lottery results are quite surprising , the hosts Brazil are in a group that could be quite easy for them , just might be the team teams from Croatia country that can provide more resistance than other opponents .In Group B Spain will be opposite the present game is quite interesting , because Spain will be in a group with Holland and the Chilean fighter dark horse .For Group C there are Colombian team will face an opponent that is pretty heavy according to their estimates because it is in a group with Ivory Coast and Japan .England national team will join the team Gli Azurri and Uruguay in Group D later .Team pride  Bosnia - Herzegovina will face a tough opponent , Argentina in Group F , while his favorite German champions will face Portugal , Ghana and the United States in the match next year .

Here is the  results of the election lottery Brazil 2014 World Cup in Brazil next year .Group A : Brazil , Croatia , Mexico , Cameroon .Group B : Spain , Netherlands , Chile , Australia .Group C : Colombia , Greece , Ivory Coast , Japan .Group D : Uruguay , Costa Rica , England , Italy .Group E : Switzerland , Ecuador , France , Honduras .Group F : Argentina , Bosnia - Herzegovina , Iran , Nigeria .Group G : Germany , Portugal , Ghana , United States .Group H : Belgium , Algeria , Russia , South Korea .

Fifa World Cup 2014 Rio De Jainero Brazil 2014, Be Sure You Win Your Favourite Team.

Power by Tengmolive for World Cup 2014
Source by GooGle