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Monday, September 23, 2013

Diligent in exercising it certainly makes our body more healthy

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Diligent in exercising it certainly makes our body more healthy and reduce the risk of various diseases . So that the chance of survival was longer .Although age is also in the hands of the Lord , but it would be nice if we try to maintain the best health possible by doing sports as reported by the Huffington Post as the following : 
Up and down Stairs 
In 2008, a small study in Switzerland found that the up and down steps reduce the risk of early death by 15 percent rather than up and down the escalator .up and down stairs by foot have a tremendous impact to the health of the body . So why still complain tired when going up and down stairs very helpful? Researchers say that.
Bicycle Cycling
Cycling to work is the most inexpensive and environmentally friendly can be done every day . In addition , cycling is also apparently included in one of the sports that can prolong life .A study from Copenhagen to quickly mention that cycling also have a chance to live five years longer . So do not be lazy to ride my bike every day . 
Like to swim ? If so , there is good news for those who exercise diligently on this one . Because studies suggest that swimming regularly can reduce the risk of death by 50 per cent chance .Not only that , when compared with those who chose to run and walk as their sport , swimmers also have a number of young die relatively low . 
Brisk walking 
Research in 2011 explained that people who walked briskly had a longer life .But according to the results of the study , brisk walking is more an indication of a person's age rather than prolong life . Because the faster walk , the healthier a person .However , if this practice is done on a regular basis , the body would have been more accustomed to running faster and feels more fit .on foot Many people think healthy exercise should be performed more than 30 hours and after sweating through it . Though sporting a short time and do not sweat is equally healthy .study in 2011 revealed that walking 15 minutes a day is also able to extend the life of up to three years
 In addition to walking and cycling , running also includes sports believed to prolong life .running should be done regularly , even if the duration is not too long . A study also proves that ran a half hour five times a week can increase the chance of survival up to four years .

source : GooGle