Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Calculate Odds Formula

Odds mathematics
This post should cover the most common formula needed for Odds Analyst. Analyst don't need to memorize these formulas , but it's good to have an understanding of how these things work. The more you know, the better your chances way how to win.
for the first step, you must know type of odds before use to calculate with formula.
Odds calculation Formula:
where x is probability in decimals

Value determination Count:

Odds x Probability (%) 
------------------------  >  1.0 
where Probability is your subjective opinion of this match.

Stake determination:
Total stakes x system odds


       A ! 
B! x (A-B)!

(example: 5! =5x4x3x2x1)
System  Calculate odds:
   1        1        1  
------ + ------ + ------
H-odds    D-odds   A-odds 


S = P - (1- P) 
       odds - 1P = decimal probability for win
S = stake to bet on this match

Permutations explained:
How many triples are there in a selection of 5 matches ? How many quadruples within a selection of 10 matches ?

In order to calculate this, use the permutation formula in the table above. A! means that you have to multiply A with all the numbers less than A until your reach 1. If A= 5, this would mean: 5x4x3x2x1 =120

System Calculate odds explained:
If you are considering a match but can't decide weather to bet on a home win or a draw, then you can bet on both results by using the System odds formula in the table above.
If we say that the home odds is 2.0 and the draw odds is 3.2, the calculation gives the result 1.23.The system odds is 1.23. If you divide the system odds with the home odds, you will find the stake to place on the home win. Do the same with the draw-odds to find the stake for the bet on the draw. 1.23/2.0 gives 0.615. This means that you should place 61.5% of your total bet on this match on the home win. The rest (38.5%) should be placed on the draw. By betting this way, you are ensured 23% payoff as long as the match either ends with a home win or a draw. grown knowledge from basic to expert, dont forget to keep practice and enjoy with Tengmolive.