Friday, September 06, 2013

World Cup Qualifier On Friday 6 September 2013

<img src= " tengmolive.jpg " alt = " World Cup 2014 " />
Tengmolive : Continued from the 2014 World Cup qualifiers match will be held simultaneously on Friday 6 September 2013 local time. Will present a number of interesting matches of the European zone will enliven the atmosphere this weekend. In the game this time two large Italian and Dutch teams likely to qualify for the World Cup finals if they can beat his opponents. Italy will be challenged Bulgaria while Dutch Estonian entertained.
While the other party is equally attractive to pass up such exciting, Georgia against France, Finland against Spain, and Northern Ireland against Portugal.

The following is a schedule of World Cup qualifiers Europe:

Friday, September 6:
Czech Republic vs Armenia

Saturday, September 7:
Macedonia vs Wales
Romania vs. Hungary
Italy vs Bulgaria
Georgia vs. France
Bosnia vs Slovakia
Estonia vs Netherlands
Finland vs Spain
Republic of Ireland vs Sweden
Serbia vs. Croatia
Northern Ireland vs Portugal

source : Google